Acer XDS React Hybrid - Höger #4 (23°) Grafit Stiff Flex

Acer XDS React Hybrid - Höger #4 (23°) Grafit Stiff Flex
Kategorier: Tillbehör
725 SEK
Mer Info!

Get repeatable results with the Acer XDS React Hybrid. The Acer XDS React Hybrid features the same amount of face progression through the set, as well as conistent crown heights. This means that you won’t need to readjust your setup for varying clubs, resulting in a repeatable swing every time. The railed soles glide across various types of terrain increasing solidness of contact. Plus, with the leading edge designed well forward of the hosel prevents the possibility of shanking the ball. The XDS React hybrids are the outcome of unconventional thinking for remarkable results. Headcover ingår ej! För att köpa till det separat klicka Specifikationer Skaft: Apollo Shadow - Stiff Flex Grepp: Karma Black Velvet För att skräddarsy denna produkt, klicka (Sidan tar 10-20 sek att ladda, så ha lite tålamod).